AULOTS - Australasian Union List of Serials In Theological Collections
AULOTS is a database of the serials holdings of theological and religious libraries in Australia and New Zealand. At the time of its loading onto the ANZTLA website, it contained existing holdings for 5256 serial titles held in 96 libraries.
Several editions of AULOTS were produced in hardcopy - the most recent being the 4th edition which was published in 2002. The data from the 4th edition formed the basis of the current online database. Contributing libraries are in the process of bringing their holdings statements up to date to accurately reflect their current collections.
AULOTS can be searched by serial title and entries provide links to both library holding statements and contact details.
ANZTLA EJournal No. 1- (March 1987-) ISSN 1030-701X
The ANZTLA EJournal was published as the ANZTLA Newsletter in 1987-2010. The EJornal is published twice a year to provide a means of communication between members and other people interested in theological librarianship in Australia and New Zealand.
The Association's newsletter contains lively articles, book reviews and reports by members and also bibliographers, theologians and other authors interested in theological librarianship. As well as giving excellent coverage of librarianship in this part of the world it has many articles of use and interest to an international readership.
An issue of the newsletter may contain articles and items of interest to theological librarianship: scholarly articles, information on all aspects of librarianship, book reviews, library profiles, news about libraries and individual librarians. Papers delivered at the Association's annual conference are later printed in the newsletter.
Editorial Team: Kerrie Stevens, Huw Sandaver & Eve James
Indexes to ANZTLA Newsletter Issues 1- 61
As of July 2011 ANZTLA Newsletter is published as The ANZTLA EJournal
Australasian Religion Index (ARI)
Update: Members please note that ARI has been discontinued as of April 1st, 2020.
ANZTLA Standards
The ANZTLA standards and commentary have been prepared for administrators of theological institutions, librarians, teaching faculty, library users, members of accrediting agencies and other interested persons. The standards are intended to encourage and assist theological institutions and their libraries in the provision and evaluation of library services, resources and facilities.
Theological institutions in Australasia, and hence their libraries, vary markedly with respect to their functions, the levels of courses offered, the nature and size of their faculties and student bodies. For these reasons the standards do not reflect a quantitative approach for measuring the adequacy of library budgets, staffing, collections or spaces. Rather, in synthesising professional experience and expectations, they reflect a qualitative approach.
Style manual for religion and theology
A style manual for the presentation of papers and theses in religion and theology / compiled by Lawrence D. McIntosh.
Published by Centre for Information Studies in association with ANZTLA and the Australian and New Zealand Association of Theological Schools, 1994. ISBN 0-949060-27-5
Abstract: The manual describes and illustrates style practices which are becoming increasingly common. On a number of issues, preferences are stated but options are also given. A major section on the documentation of sources presents the note-bibliography method of citation and author-date method as optional systems. Sample pages transpose many of the recommendations into an A4 setting.
So Great a Cloud of Witnesses: Libraries & Theologies
Philip Harvey
Volume editor
Lynn Pryor
Volume editor
Date of publication: 1995
ISBN-10 (02)
The book is available in full-text at