adapt create innovate
7-8 July 2022
One prominent thing to emerge over the past many months is that changes have been fast-tracked – change has been imposed rather than self-generated: rather than thinking, “How can we do this better?”, we’ve had to think, “How can we do this at all?”. We have had to adapt our previous frameworks; we have had to create new frameworks; and we have had to innovate around our understanding of what a library is.
We are pleased to advise that papers from the ANZTLA Conference 2022 are now available in the ANZTLA e-Journal here: https://serials.atla.com/anztla

We are pleased to advise that papers from the ANZTLA Conference 2022 are now available in the ANZTLA e-Journal here: https://serials.atla.com/anztla
Day 1: Thursday 7 July
Our Speakers
We are pleased to advise that papers from the ANZTLA Conference 2022 are now available in the ANZTLA e-Journal here: https://serials.atla.com/anztla

School of Information Studies, Charles Sturt University and member of the Library Research Group (LRG)
Keynote Speaker
Mary Carroll
School of Information and Communication Studies, Charles Sturt University

Leon Morris Library, Ridley College

SCMOI Research Library, SS Cyril and Methodius Orthodox Institute

St Athanasius College

Donald Robinson Library, Moore Theological College

Emmaus Library, Australian College of Christian Studies

Te Kupenga

School of Information and Communication Studies, Charles Sturt University

School of Information and Communication Studies, Charles Sturt University

School of Information and Communication Studies, Charles Sturt University

Registration is now closed.
Have questions?
Please contact the Conference Committee at: conference@anztla.org
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Image credits:
Photo 1 by Shubham Dhage on Unsplash
Photo 2 by Charles Forerunner on Unsplash